
Joseph William Yoder
ACM Distinguished Member & Hillside Fellow
Pesquisador Colaborador IME-USP, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of
São Paulo, Brazil; CEO, CTO, The Refactory
Domain Modeling Techniques for Designing Microservices
Date: Mar 29, 2025
Time: 9:45am – 11:00am

Takashi Iba
Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University
Support Researcher, The Center for Early Childhood Development, Education, and Policy Research, The University of Tokyo
Pattern Languages of Practices: A New
Academic Way for Qualitative Research on Professional and Everyday Practices
Date: Mar 30, 2025
Time: 9:30am – 11:00am

Writers’ Workshops
Writers’ workshops are used by the pattern community to improve our patterns and other manuscripts. These workshops are the primary focus of our time at PLoP and in them we discuss accepted papers. Authors are assigned to a writers’ workshop and are expected to attend all sessions in that workshop. All other conference attendees are encouraged to attend one or more writers’ workshop sessions, preferably choosing to read and review papers where they can contribute. Paper assignments to workshops are posted before the conference.
The format of writers’ workshops has been adapted from the creative writing community. Each writers’ workshop contains a handful of papers, which authors must read before the conference to be able to give each other feedback on their work in a peer review session of around one hour per paper. Richard Gabriel has written both a book and a pattern language on writers’ workshops. The pattern language is a good place to start.
Each writers’ workshop is led by a moderator. In each session, the author or authors of the paper under discussion remain (mostly) silent while the others discuss it and explain insights and views they have about it. Depending on the workshop’s moderation style, authors may be brought into the discussion to gain insight and clarity about their work. From these sessions, authors get a lot of feedback and many suggestions about how they can improve their work.
Focus Groups
Focus groups are free-format discussion groups or workshops aimed at bringing together people interested in a hot topic related to patterns or proven practices for a period of one to two hours.
These sessions might focus on very different topics and issues related to patterns, ranging from writing to using, organizing, or adopting patterns. Some focus groups may require preparation or submission before the conference, while others are fine if you just show up, interested in the topic. Interdisciplinary topics and topics from other domains than software development are common and encouraged. Focus group leaders may write a report that can be included in the final conference proceedings.
The session will provide an introduction to patterns where participants will be immersed in patterns and emerge with an enlarged perspective, their first pattern, and an ability to get more out of the PLoP conference.