PLoP '96 Activities and Events

In addition to the writer's workshops, PLoP will also feature the following events and activities:
oOpening Session
oHome Groups
oClosing Session
oExperience with Patterns
oRepresenting and Classifying Patterns
oBest of EuroPLoP

Opening Session

The opening session will introduce you to the conference. It will include an overview on the conference program, a game with George Platt, and a demonstration of a writer's workshop. The pattern that will be discussed is:

The Null Object Pattern by Bobby Woolf

Null Object describes a special class with a customized interface whose implementation is to provide null behavior. It is designed to be used as part of a hierarchy of classes, all of which have the same interface. Thus the client does not have to specially test for nil; the nil behavior is encapsulated inside the null object.


We will have George Platt with us. George is a ``tangential thinking co-ordinator.'' During the conference he will play some games with us. These should provide a relaxed atmosphere that encourages open communication and discussion, as well as keep you fit and clear-minded for all the sessions.

8. Experience with Patterns

This evening session will include the presentation of several papers that describe the application of patterns to system design. The authors will share their insights into the usage of patterns as well as the results achieved. Each paper will be presented by the author(s) in a twenty minute presentation, followed by a mini-workshop where the moderator will poll the audience for Q&A, aspects of the paper that the audience liked, and areas where the paper could be further refined. The moderators are Kyle Brown from Knowledge Systems Corp (KSC) and Steve Peterson from Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.
8.1 Using Patterns in Order Management Systems: A Design Patterns Experience -- Kyle Brown (
8.2 A Pattern Language for Structuring State-Space Search Applications (abstract) -- Philip W. L. Fong, Edward Kim (, and Qiang Yang
8.3 Using the Strategy Design Pattern to Compose Reliable Distributed Protocols (abstract) -- Benoit Garbinato (bast@lse.epflch), Pascal Felber, and Rachid Guerraoui
8.4 Design Patterns Achieve Reuse in CORBA Systems (abstract) -- Curt McKelvey (
3.6 The Command class for the Java AWT (abstract) -- Jan Newmarch ( (this paper originally appeared in the Frameworks and Architectures session).

9. Representing and Classifying Patterns

9.1 Design Patterns at Different Scales (abstract) -- R.J.A. Buhr (
9.2 A Formal Language for Design Patterns (abstract) -- Amnon H. Eden (
9.3 Patterns and Design Adaptability (abstract) -- Carl W. Irving (
9.4 The Graphical Depiction of Design Patterns (abstract) -- Carl W. Irving ( and Colin Atkinson
9.5 A Methodology for Constructing a Design Handbook for Object Oriented Systems (abstract) (authors are unable to make it to the conference) -- D Janaki Ram (, K N Anantha Raman, K N Guruprasad and Suchitra Raman

Best of EuroPLoP

In this session, Frank Buschmann will present a synopsis of the best papers from the European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs.


Traditionally, PLoP has featured a number of informal ``Birds of a Feather'' (BoF) sessions. Here is a sample of what we'll see at PLoP '96: If you have any suggestions for BoFs please let Brian Foote or Doug Schmidt know soon.

Closing Session

The closing session will include a short presentation about major homegroup results and give a general wrap-up of the conference. We'll also ask for your feedback regarding your experiences at the conference (i.e., do a writer's workshop on the conference ;-)) to determine how we can improve the content and form next time. In addition, we will discuss plans for the PLoP '96 book.

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